The Universitat de València is a public entity, with own legal personality and assets, and with the rights recognised by the Constitution and other applicable laws. This institution is the owner of the email address and its identification and location data are the followings:
Designation: Universitat de València-Estudi General (from now on, Universitat de València)
CIF Q4618001D
The Registration Code for Universities, Centres and Degrees: 018
Type: Public
Address: Avenida de Blasco Ibáñez, 13 – 46010 Valencia
Email address: UV Mailbox
Mobile phone: 96 386 41 00
These terms and conditions of use lay down the conditions governing edition and use of websites and services located in the electronic address and regulate its use. Any user who access to information and services offered in the domain is subject to this document. In addition, certain services can be affected by specific terms and conditions, which are accessible, in their case, through the corresponding sites and that will have to be read and shall be binding on the user.
According to article 1 of Organic Law 6/2001 of 21 December, of universities, the Universitat de València carries out high education public service through research, teaching and study.
Are functions of the Universitat de València:
1. Creation, development, transmission and critical of science, technique and culture.
2. Preparation for professional activities that require scientific knowledge and methodology and for artistic creation.
3. Dissemination, evaluation and knowledge transfer at the service of culture, quality of life and economic development.
4. Dissemination of knowledge and culture through university extension and continuing training.
In the development of its functions, the Universitat de València provides to the university community in particular, and to users in general, available information and services through the domain that are subjected to the following objectives:
The Universitat de València holds ownership, management and administration of information and services offered through the email address and shall observe the following principles:
The Universitat de València is only responsible for providing official and true information and for the services offered through the domain.
In addition, the Universitat de València acts in good faith in offering information and services to users through its domain, therefore, it is not responsible for:
In addition, only the information and services offered through the portal will be considered as an electronic site under the terms established in Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on Citizens' Electronic Access to Public Services.
Are excluded from the current terms and conditions of use:
Any citizen who access to information and services located in the domain will be considered as a user, using or not those information or services. In the use of information and services offered through the mentioned domain, users have the following obligations:
Under no circumstance information and services mentioned in this document could be used for the following purposes:
The Universitat de València offers to some users, depending on its relationship, the access to some services that need their identification and authentication.
It is forbidden the access to those applications without the corresponding authorisations. The Universitat de València will be only responsible for the security measures related with the access to those services.
The design, source code, logo, marks and other signs that appear in the domain belong to the Universitat de València and are protected by the corresponding rights of intellectual and industrial property.
Total or partial reproduction of the contents of this document are prohibited without requesting authorisation.
Pages hosted in the domain contain personal data. Its use will depend on its type. Thus:
In any case, it is prohibited the capture and storage of personal data published in the domain
On the other hand, when it comes to navigating and using services located in the domain the privacy policy and cookies policy of the Universitat de València should be taken into consideration. They can be consulted in:
Without prejudice to what this document has of terms and conditions, users are submitted to the Spanish legislation. Any conflict or discrepancy that may arise in the interpretation or application of these general conditions, the user will be submitted to Spanish courts and tribunals.
Users that have the condition of university community members, will have to obey the Rules for the use of resources related with UV information and communication technologies .
The present terms and conditions are applicable from its date of publication. The Universitat de València reserves the right to modify it without any other requirement than that the users of the pages contained in the domain be given the corresponding notices.
In the case of any point or clause of these general conditions were considered invalid or inappicable, totally or partially, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, this nullity or inappiclation will not affect other arrangements of general conditions.
The current Payment and return policies regulate the use of (from now on “the web site”) of which the Universitat de València-Estudi General (from now on Universitat de València) is holder. Universitat de València is a Public society with its headquarters in Avenida de Blasco Ibáñez, 13 – 46010 Valencia, and is registered in the Registro Mercantil, with CIF Q4618001D. The client’s use of services of the web site means, if anything, the adherence to the Payment and Return Policies in the version published by the Universitat de València at the time of the purchase order. It is therefore advisable for the customer to read these Payment and Return Policies before proceeding to make a purchase.
1. Scope of agreement
The current Payment and return policies apply to the sale of all articles of the Universitat de València through its web page and informs that its website is addressed exclusively to a public over 18 years old. It reserves the right to cancel a user's access account if fraudulent, speculative or bad faith acts are detected in the use of this service.
2. Payment
Payment will be made at the end of the purchase process and will be an essential condition for the formalisation of the purchase. Payment through other procedures that not appear in the screen of the payment procedure are not allowed. Payment means allowed: Bank transfer and/or through the network Servired using your VISA or MASTERCARD card or Paypal. In any case, the choice of the mans of payment is made during the purchase process in the corresponding screen. The customer must notify to the Universitat de València of any undue or fraudulent charge on the card used for purchases, by email or telephone, as soon as possible so that Universitat de València can take the appropriate steps. Providers or issuers of means of payment may adopt anti-fraud measures involving the rejection of certain types of transactions. Universitat de València is not responsible of the application of these type of security policies.
3. Exchanges, returns and withdrawals
The credit cards data used in the online payment are not stored in any database. The Universitat de València uses a secure payment platform provided by Redsys, which ensures the communications entirety through secure means (SSL, URSL seguras, etc.). The type of cards allowed are credit or debit cards VISA and MASTERCARD. Fees shall be borne by the issuer.
There are different types of procedures for returns or withdrawals.
Returns and withdrawals: it will need to be justified to the organisation of every event in the form of Every event contact.
Return deadlines that are detailed below will start on the date of enrolment in the course: 60 natural days.
The amount will be refunded, in accordance with the terms established in RDL 1/2007, by the same means of payment that you used to register.
There are different procedures for doing exchanges, returns and withdrawals and below the characteristics and conditions of each one will be described.
4. Guarantees of purchased products
The contractual guarantee offered is the one established in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Customers and Users. Universitat de València will answer to non-conformity claims that may arise.
5. Customer service
For any doubt, suggestion, enquiry or complaint on the online shop, you can address to the Universitat de València through any of the following means:
The communication will have an identification code and a proof of submission. The Universitat de València will respond to your request as soon as possible and, in any case, within one month.
6. Applicable law and jurisdiction
The current Payment and return policies are submitted to Spanish legislation.